Monday, March 23, 2009

Please Call Congress to Support President's Budget

President Obama Needs Your Help! We finally have a President who knows the needs of women and our families. He has shown us that he truly cares about making a positive difference in our lives. His very first bill, the Fair Pay Act, greatly impacts our lives. He increased the number of marginalized children who would have access to health care. He gave us the White House Council on Women and Girls. He’s been working hard to save Middle Class Families, to help those of us in need to have the opportunity to restructure mortgages, and the list of positive things goes on and on.

The President now needs our help in getting the budget he’s put forth passed. This budget makes many of the things you and I care about deeply a priority-- including Education, Energy and Healthcare. We must fight to get this budget passed but, those who have ignored our needs in the past are trying to block passage of the budget so, once again we must engage the battle.

The President told us throughout the campaign that we are the change we’ve been waiting for, and now is our time to show that we understand. Your help is needed right away.

Call your Members of Congress today and tell them to support the President’s budget priorities. Call the main Capitol switchboard at 1-866-544-7573 or 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to the Members of Congress who represent your City. When you're connected to their offices, tell the person who answers the phone:

I am a constituent. My name is ____________.I urge you to support President Obama's budget.The President's budget blueprint makes a substantial down payment on investments critical to women and families and our nation’s economic future.

Don’t put this off. Do it today. The President depends upon people like you to accomplish the things he wants to accomplish for us. Send us updates regarding your contacts so, we can send a Report to the WH.

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