Saturday, May 30, 2009

Help Confirm Sotomayor

From President and CEO Ben Jealous, NAACP:

To help Sotomayor's confirmation, here is what you can do:

1. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
2. Ask to speak with one of your senators.
3. Once you are connected, tell the person answering the phone that you "urge the Senator to ensure that Judge Sotomayor's Supreme Court confirmation is swift and fair."
4. Do the same for your other senator.

The nomination of the first Latina to join the Supreme Court is a moment that we should celebrate. Judge Sotomayor has the life experiences, as well as the judicial temperament and legal mastery, to be a successful and effective Supreme Court justice. She
also has an established and proven commitment to civil rights.

You have probably already heard about her life story: she grew up in a public housing project in the South Bronx, her father died when she was nine, and her mother worked two jobs. She went to Princeton and Yale. She can understand the reality of all Americans from diverse backgrounds.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings first; once they have recommended her, the full Senate will vote. Please call (202) 224-3121, ask for your senators, and tell them to confirm Judge Sotomayor.

Thank you for your support!

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